University Cultural Service (SUC) creates, promotes and coordinates networks. It implements the University's cultural policy and brings it into contact with art in innovative ways. It also offers a place for reflection. As an interface between research, teaching and creativity, it is involved in the cultural life of the University and the surrounding community through a network of partners and projects. It brings students into contact with works of art through workshops, gatherings and public events, and by encouraging students to discover venues and exhibitions. It helps spot students' emerging artistic and cultural projects. It provides a space for taking part in artistic activities through workshops and courses, and offers advice for professional projects in this field. It proposes and coordinates cultural projects and collective projects in which students from various disciplines take part in the cultural seasons they help to organise and for which they then become mediators, particularly for other students.
It sets up projects with the personnel department - CLASS, and with the Sustainable Development and Scientific and Technical Dissemination teams, as well as with the CROUS.
For the first year, as an experiment, the University of Clermont Auvergne has created the status of
student - artist, in partnership with the regional Conservatoire. This status is designed to take into account this particular type of student and promote their artistic development. Eligible students must provide proof of an intensive and recognised artistic activity. Application forms are available for download from the website of Blaise Pascal University and should be submitted to the SUC before 30 September 2016.
The SUC is a member of the jury for various artistic competitions, as an organiser, joint organiser or participant. It transmits the necessary information to students to help them take part as jury members for these competitions and submit their works: CROUS competition (2017 theme: Street), short film festival, VIDEOFORMES, Carnets de Voyage (travel journals), and the latest two events to emerge: Sténopé (Animal exhibition from 8 to 30 October) and Traces de Vies (documentary film festival from 21 to 27 November).
The SUC is committed to extending its actions to include the entire area covered by the University of Clermont Auvergne, in partnership with the
ESPE Clermont-Auvergne graduate teaching school, in towns in which the school is present (Aurillac, Le-Puy, Moulins, Montlu?on and Vichy), with practical workshops in connection with local cultural players.
It will propose actions as part of the Effervescences projects and in connection with the International Network of Michelin Cities, piloted by the city of Clermont-Ferrand.