Connecting knowledge, taking on children's health

Why the need for a UNESCO Chair?

  • The health of individuals and populations is 80% dependent on lifestyle and environmental factors.
  • Improving health and well-being and reducing inequality requires active measures to influence these factors. Education is seen as one of the key tools in achieving this.
  • Lifelong good health strongly depends on education and on living conditions and lifestyle throughout childhood and adolescence. Health is also a key factor in success in education.
  • Action taken in the settings of the lives of children and young people offers the most promising results, particularly for the most vulnerable.
  • However, scientific data on effectively implementing local health policies for children and young people is scarce, and data that is available is not widely enough disseminated.

A project making a difference

The originality of this university project lies in its federating approach, bringing together UNESCO, WHO and UNICEF strategies. It is rooted in the framework of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The Chair forms part of various national and international networks, making it a strategic player in the production and transfer of knowledge, training, scientific support for the development of policy instruments and the creation of cross-sectoral policies between health and education.
  • Its specific contribution is both as a catalyst for research projects and as a "knowledge hub", serving as a mediator between academia, institutions, networks, professional communities and international authorities on the global scale.

Why support the UNESCO Chair?

To drive forward an innovative approach requiring your support to make a real difference.
  • To take part in a transformation based on both scientific data and the commitment of players on the ground.
  • To support the development of innovative policies and practices to promote health by:
    • initiating innovative and interdisciplinary research projects
    • encouraging the production of action-oriented knowledge and the development of policy tools
    • creating digital environments to foster and develop the skills of professionals
    • developing a communications strategy aimed at decision-makers and the general public

How to support the Unesco Chair?

You can support the Chair in various ways.

Sponsor: public or private organisation that provides financial or scientific support for one of the projects of the UNESCO Chair. The sponsor is explicitly mentioned among the project's financial supporters.

Partner: public or private organisation that makes a long-term commitment to a specific project in connection with the scientific projects, transfer of knowledge or management of the Chair. The organisation appears on the list of the Chair's partners displayed on the website.

Member: public or private organisation that commits to the Chair on a long-term basis (4 years). The member's name is associated with all the Chair's activities and it takes part in the Chair's governance.

Funding for a chair includes the salaries of the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, the remuneration of external contributors and the organisation of seminars, conferences, prizes and foreign study grants, etc.

Advantages of sponsorship:
A tax credit equal to 60% of the sum paid, up to 0.5% of revenue.
Example: a €50,000 donation only costs the company €20,000 after tax deductions.

Supporters of the UNESCO Chair

Teams at 60 universities in Africa, Asia, Europe and America are currently involved in the project, which is supported by leading national and international networks in the fields of prevention, health education and health promotion, as well as institutions in the countries concerned, local authorities, foundations and companies.
The aim of the UNESCO Chair, together with the WHO partner centre, is to strengthen links between players, promote research, develop skills and support the development of policies and practices in the field of promoting the health of children and young people.