Nature UE
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 0
Volume horaire CM 15
Volume horaire TD 9
Volume horaire TP 6


UE Statistical bases for Biology M1S1 et UE Exploratory and decisional data analysis M1S2




EC1 : Concepts and strategies in biological data integration
18h (9hCM / 3hTD / 6hTP) based on case examples of tool application/comparison on omics data delivered by the research Units, platforms (Gentyane for sequence-omics data, AUBi for bioinformatics resources, MetaboHub for metabolomics resources…) and capitalizing on the informatics resources available on the Mesocentre.

EC2 : Workshop an d round tables with experts
To reach the previous EU objective, invited speakers in the context of a two-days workshop (invited speakers and exchanges though rond tables), will be organized by the students based on existing collocations with Marie-Laure Martin Magniette (Reflection on the statistical integration of omics data), Christophe Ambroise (Integration of omics data for understanding ecosystems), Vincent Segura (Integration of genomic and transcriptomic data for the prediction of traits in poplar), Sébastien Dejean (Implementation, step by step, of data integration methods on transcriptomic and clinical data), Dragan Milenkovic (Integrative analysis of multi-comic macro and micronutrient modifications in cerebral endothelial cells), Catherine Grand-Ravel (Integration of data for the selection of wheat with more digestible gluten: application to wheat), Muriel Bonnet (Connection of phenotypic and "omics" data for understanding the mechanisms and prediction of production phenotypes in ruminants).
12H: 6hTD (preparation and coordination of the workshop) and 6hCM (for the invited speakers of the workshop).

Informations complémentaires