Nature UE
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 24
Volume horaire CM 6
Volume horaire TD 18


Une bonne connaissance scientifique et de gestion des territoires, ou comportement des sociétés. Master 1


Conna?tre le système de discussion scientifique international type 'workshop'. Connaitre sa propre capacité d’interagir dans ce type de milieu, en langue anglaise. Appréhender un système volcanique dans sa globalité de la composante physique à la composante humaine. Comprendre les liens de fonctionnement du système dans sa globalité. Comprendre le déroulement des crises volcaniques et la surveillance, préparation, réactions et mitigations associés. Comprendre les réactions sociétales aux volcans, dans et hors crises. Comprendre les procédures d’évaluation des risques volcaniques et de communication autour des systèmes volcaniques.


This course aims to draw on all the accumulated knowledge and skill set that participants have acquired over the last five or so years. The theme studied is the volcanic system in all its entirety (and with its many variants) and its connection with other parts of the Earth system, including the human and biosphere. Risk and monitoring are discussed as integrated parts of the system. The course aims to achieve this and verify the participant's ability to go forward into a career that requires the highest level of understanding and participation at an international level.

The class will simulate international workshop conditions, and the common language used will be English. All presentations and public discussions should be made in English. Assessment is on the structure, the clarity and the intellectual content of your participation. This will be both in lass (presentations, active participation in discussion), and in final systems presentation.

Objectives of the course are to:
A: provide a general overview of what is a system, a volcanic system, and a geological system. This is to gain a holistic view that can be used in all branches of Magmas and Volcano research, be it physical volcanology, geophysics, petrology, geochemistry, monitoring and risks etc.
The entire course takes everything previously learnt, as a group, adds to this and sees how these elements fit into the greater picture of volcanology in the broadest sense. The full combined knowledge and skills base of all participants (students and animators) is used to build in-depth models of volcanic systems. In this way, we are able to use our knowledge and specialties to appreciate the broad sphere of our science: to get the wider picture. The aim is to train oneself to look at volcanoes as systems, and see that there are many systems operating within the different types of volcano or parts of volcanoes that can be synthesized into combinations of the most basic physical processes.
B: The parallel objective is to gain confidence in individual and group work research, analyzing and interpreting scientific articles and concepts amongst peers in an international atmosphere. To enable the participant to realize that they can be a valuable contributor to science right from the word go.
C: To continue the course's discussion afterwards during personal projects to enable participants to form a broad understanding of our subject, and to give them the ability to engage in high-level research throughout the community.

Participants chose a volcano to research and present system models in groups of two. It is an exercise in rapid synthesis and efficient use of the time available. The list is given below. Participants presentations as if for an international meeting. They are all discussed all together, so it is recommended to look at the information for all volcanoes posted on the ENT space, not just the articles for the specially chosen one.

List of volcanoes:
For participants – Etna, Vulcano, Yellowstone, Krafla, Kilauea, Dallol, Stromboli, Vesuvio
For animators – Masaya, Santiaguito, La Réunion, Merapi

Cours magistraux
Short, sharp International Conference type presentations by lecturers and the participants of 10- 15 minutes each. Mixed with practical discussion in groups
Travaux Dirigés
See above

Informations complémentaires

Conna?tre le système de discussion scientifique international type 'workshop'. Connaitre sa propre capacité d’interagir dans ce type de milieu, en langue anglaise. Appréhender un système volcanique dans sa globalité de la composante physique à la composante humaine. Comprendre les liens de fonctionnement du système dans sa globalité. Comprendre le déroulement des crises volcaniques et la surveillance, préparation, réactions et mitigations associés. Comprendre les réactions sociétales aux volcans, dans et hors crises. Comprendre les procédures d’évaluation des risques volcaniques et de communication autour des systèmes volcaniques.