Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International
- Adresse :
- P?le Tertiaire
TSA 90404
26, Avenue Léon Blum
63000 CLERMONT-老虎机游戏
- Tél :
- +33 4 73 17 74 08
- Sur Internet :
- cerdi.uca.fr/
- Directeur de laboratoire
- Simone BERTOLI
- Directeur Adjoint
- Michael GOUJON
- Gestionnaire d'unité
- Johan GUIOT johan.guiot@uca.fr
Composition équipe ( effectif total : 97 )
- ARAUJO Claudio -
- AT Christian -
- AZOMAHOU Theophile -
- BATISSE Cecile -
- BERTOLI Simone -
- BRESSON Florent -
- BRUN Jean Francois -
- CALDEIRA Emilie -
- CALIPEL Stephane -
- CUBIZOL Damien -
- DEQUIEDT Vianney -
- DIEMER Arnaud -
- DURY Marie Eliette -
- GOI Isabelle -
- GOUJON Michael -
- GUERINEAU Samuel -
- LAPORTE Bertrand -
- LOPER Jordan -
- MARCHAND Sebastien -
- MARCHETTA Francesca -
- RENARD Mary Francoise -
- ROTA GRAZIOSI Gregoire -
- TICHIT Ariane -
- ARAUJO BONJEAN Catherine -
- AREZKI Rabah -
- AUDIBERT Martine -
- GAZEAUD Jules -
- PHELINAS Pascale -
- PLANE Patrick -
- VAROUDAKIS Marie Ange -
- BRIGE Chantal -
- DURAND Tipawan -
- GUIOT Johan -
- SANTONI Olivier -
- SOURGOU Henri -
- CAMERON Alistair -
- CHAPEL Capucine -
- KUBO Masahiro -
- NEIS Peter -
- DUSSOL Marie -
- AYA Idrissa Aladji -
- BEAUCORAL Pierre -
- BESSALEM Chafia -
- BOMPAS Julie -
- CAMARA Cheick Amadou -
- CASOLANI Veronica -
- CLERC Melchior -
- DABOU Yrabo -
- DAUBREE Anouck -
- EBEDE OBAMA Laurent Fabrice -
- GUIGMA Nourat Al Hayat -
- KAMBOU Sansan -
- KARBOUT Rania -
- KHAN Rida -
- LAO Chanrithy -
- MALALANIRINA Jeannie Sylvia -
- MCHOWA Chifundo -
- NIKIEMA Pengd-Wende Richard -
- NOSSEK Vincent -
- NZUE ENEME Perin -
- OUATTARA Maworobi Francois -
- OUEDRAOGO Ismael -
- PAFADNAM Neerbewende Rachid -
- RAHI Gracia -
- SANOU Kalo Achille -
- SOGLO Koku Eli -
- TAPSOBA Abdoul Fattath Yaya -
- TIARE Lucie -
- TINTA Jule Kaini -
- TRAORE Alima -
- VERNUS Paul -
- YEO Nibontenin -
- ZEISS Jan Pedro -
- ZOROME Arouna -
- BARRO Maimouna -
- BISCAYE Pierre -
- CAMARA Cheick Amadou -
- CHAMBAS Gerard -
- KERE Axelle -
- KOLESAR Robert -
- OUEDRAOGO Mahamady -
- OUEDRAOGO Ismael -
- PHELUT Sebastien -
- ROUAMBA Bakary Johnson -
- THOMAZEAU Francois -
Thèmes de Recherche
Le CERDI est un centre de recherches dédié à l’étude des processus de développement international. Il rassemble des économistes, chercheurs du CNRS ou enseignants-chercheurs de l’Université d’Auvergne, dont les domaines de compétences sont variés et couvrent aussi bien les aspects microéconomiques que macroéconomiques du développement. Les pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire constituent le champ d’application des travaux menés au CERDI.
Des formations (Magistère, Masters, Doctorat) spécialisées en développement international sont adossées au CERDI et bénéficient d’un lien étroit entre l’enseignement et la recherche.
Le CERDI travaille de manière régulière avec les institutions nationales (Agence Fran?aise de Développement, Ministères), régionales (banques de développement, institutions d’intégration régionale) et internationales (Nations Unies, Fond Monétaire International, Banque Mondiale) en charge des politiques de développement et de leur financement.
Le CERDI collabore avec la Fondation pour l’Etude et la Recherche sur le Développement International (FERDI) et l’Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI) dans le cadre du Laboratoire d’Excellence (Labex) IDGM+. Il contribue activement au projet Cap 20-25 à travers le Challenge scientifique ? disaster risk reduction ?.
Site internet de l’unité : https://cerdi.uca.fr/
Publications ( HAL )
- On using derivatives and multiple kernel methods for clustering and classifying functional data
Julien Ah-Pine , Anne-Fran?oise Yao - La compétitivité hors prix de l’UEMOA: mesure et évaluation comparée
Patrick Plane , Alban Ahouré , Youssoufou Hamadou Daouda - Birth Order and Transition into Adulthood in Madagascar
Francesca Marchetta , Claire Ricard - Shine a (night)light: decentralization and economic development in Burkina Faso
Olivier B Bargain , Rose C Vincent , Emilie Caldeira - Caste Aside? Names, Networks and Justice in the Courts of Bihar, India
Daniel L. Chen , Shareen Joshi , Sandeep Bhupatiraju , Peter Neis - Réinventer le Rapport Salarial gr?ce à la Sécurité Sociale Généralisée
Ariane Tichit , Assen Slim - Moroccan schools are fuller thanks to cash grants. The problem now is the quality of their education – study
Jules Gazeaud , Claire Ricard - A Replication of Macchi (2023): "Worth Your Weight: Experimental Evidence on the Benefits of Obesity in Low-Income Countries
Melchior Clerc , Adrien Gosselin-Pali , Eliot Wendling - Exchange rate undervaluation and African surges: what do we learn from exported products?
Camille da Piedade , Luc Jacolin , Patrick Plane - Does EITI implementation stimulate economic growth?
Neerbewende Abdoul Rachid Pafadnam
Production scientifique depuis 2020
- Agricultural policies and biodiversity: impact of the CAP greening on bird abundance and diversity in France - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Jihad over Centuries - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Colloque Green Deal, écologie industrielle et économie circulaire - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Colloque - Européenne
- Keeping Gorillas in the Mist: The Environmental Economics of Accelerating the Adoption of Clean Cooking - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Inondations et diversification des moyens de subsistance au Nigeria : la vue depuis le sol et la vue depuis le ciel - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Policy Space Index: Short-Term Response to a Catastrophic Event - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Effect of Initial Location Assignment on Healthcare Utilization of Refugees - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Social Diversity at School, Academic Performance, and Socioemotional Skills: Evidence From a French Desegregation Experiment - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- China Development Aid in Emerging Markets: Project Financing versus Government Debt - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Geography of Jobs and Couple Migration - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Residential Integration of Transnational Regional Economies: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Plurilingualism and Brain Drain: Unexpected Consequences of Access to Foreign TV - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- La construction de l'Etat fran?ais et le djihad à travers les siècles - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matter - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Ecole d'été Dynamique des systèmes - 2024 - Laschamps - Université d'été - Nationale
- Données géographiques et données géolocalisées - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Does a Passport Get You a Degree? Citizenship Reform and Educational Achievement - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Not All Banking Crises Are Alike: Assessing their Distributional Impacts relative to Pre-Crisis Credit Gaps - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Artisanal mining in Africa. Green for Gold? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigrants? returns intentions and job search behavior when the home country is unsafe - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Sovereign defaults at home and abroad - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The costs of building walls: immigration and the fiscal burden of aging in Europe - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Selective accountability: Visibility and parliamentary behavior in France - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Permanent Residency Policy and Skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Swedish Reform - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Difference-in-Differences for Continuous Treatments and Instruments with Stayers - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Populist leaders and international migration - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- rom phones to feed: Is mobile connectivity transforming west-African agricultural markets? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Technology Adoption: Learning or Costly Information Processing? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- A fair international tax? The differentiated effects of a maritime transport carbon levy - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Should I stay or should I go? Therole of housing in understanding limited inter-regional worker mobility - 2024 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Have Preferences Become More Similar Worldwide? - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Polygyny and the Economic Determinants of Family Formation Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Joint Venture - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Is urban wastewater treatment effective in India? Evidence from water quality and infant mortality - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Male Sterilization and Persistence of Violence: Evidence from Emergency in India - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Fraud Detection Under Limited State Capacity: Experimental Evidence From Senegal - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- MiningLeaks: Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Production Network Approach - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Agricultural shocks and long-term conflict risk: Evidence from desert locust swarms - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Incentives Justifying Nonconformity: Experimental Evidence from Motortaxi Organizations in Uganda - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Institutional Role of the Italian Mafia: Enforcing Contracts When the State Does Not - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The consequences of a trade collapse: Economics and politics in Weimar Germany - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Discretion versus Algorithms: Bureaucrats and Tax Equity in Senegal - 2024 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Science under Inquisition: The Allocation of Talent in Early Modern Europe - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Effective Tax Rates, Firm Size and the Global Minimum Tax - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Taxation and Electoral Accountability in sub-Saharan Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- How Much Should We Trust Observational Estimates? Accumulating Evidence Using Randomised Controlled Trials with Imperfect Compliance - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The effects of subsidized transit on the unemployed youth: A regression discontinuity design - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- When the Weather Turns: Coping With Risk Through International Migration in the Presence of Search Frictions - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Changing Harmful Norms through Information and Coordination: Experimental Evidence from Somalia - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigration, Parenthood and Child Penalties - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Dear Brothers and Sisters: Pope?s Speeches and the Dynamics of Conflict in Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Violence in Mexico, Return Intentions, and the Integration of Mexican Migrants in the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Skills, Distortions, and the Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants Across Space - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Norm Replacement and Information: A Field Experiment on Ending Female Genital Cutting - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- (Mis-)information technology: Internet use and perception of democracy in Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Evaluation d'impact du projet Chèque-santé au Cameroun - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Banking Sectors Vulnerability to Macroeconomic Shocks Assessment: A Comparative Analysis for Selected Developing Countries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Bad Samaritans in Development Aid: Evidence from Natural Resource Discoveries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Housing Costs and Real Income Differences across Chinese Cities - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- The impact of patent expiry on statin consumption: A synthetic control analysis - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Connecting the Unconnected: Facebook Access and Female Political Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Ecole d'été Dynamique des systèmes - 2023 - Laschamps - Université d'été - Nationale
- 2nd Junior workshop sur l'économie des migrations - 2023 - Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers - Journées d 'Etudes - Internationale
- Country, Culture or Competition - What Drives Attitudes Towards Immigrants in Sub-Saharan Africa? - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Inequality of opportunity and intergenerational persistence in Latin America - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Investment and Reputation within the household - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Local Reaction to Unauthorized Mexican Migration to the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Social Security Reforms, Retirement and Sectoral Decisions - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Does Foreign Aid Reduce Migration? Micro-Evidence from World Bank Projects - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Climate change and migration: the case of Africa - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Changes in International Immigration and Internal Native Mobility after Covid-19 in the US - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- From connections to persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Family-based migration - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Information frictions, belief updating and internal migration: Evidence from Ghana and Uganda - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Bipolarisation measurement: A two-income approach - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Building reputation: proxy wars and transnational identities - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Internal Migration and Education: The Role of Old-age Support - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Courts, Firms and Informality - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Democracy under Assault: Electoral Reform and Political Violence - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Development economics, international trade, and the political economy of conflicts and migration - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Most Important Event? The Long-Run Impact of the Dissolution of the French Monasteries - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Education during conflict: the effect of territorial occupation by insurgents on schooling - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Sanitary napkin distribution and girls? school participation - Evidence from a public program in India - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The end of slavery in Brazil: Escape and resistance on the road to freedom - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Confucian Literati and Long-run Development in Northern Vietnam - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Brother votes for brother: The effects of Pentecostal political influence in Brazil - 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Double-Booked: Effects of Overlap between School and Farming Calendars on Education and Child Labor - 2023 - online (zoom) - Séminaire - Internationale
- Has Chinese Aid Benefited Recipient Countries? Evidence from a Meta-Regression Analysis - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Height, parental investments and marriage payments in sub-Saharan Africa - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Production Network Approach - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Inequality and security in the aftermath of internal population displacement shocks: Evidence from Nigeria - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- 50 years of Limits to Growth - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Colloque - Internationale
- Migration and Trust: Evidence from Internal Migrants in Switzerland - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Wealth inequality and social mobility in industrializing England - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- iSDG International Workshop - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Journées d 'Etudes - Européenne
- Cooperation between National Armies: Evidence from the border regions in the Sahel - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Douanes et ?tat dans les Pays à Faible Gouvernance - Principales Le?ons - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Polygyny and Farm Households' Resilience to Climate Shocks - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Régionale
- Global Development Conference 2022: Tax Policy for Sustainable Development - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Conférence - Internationale
- Learning from the Origins: Immigrants? Networks, Political Attitudes, and the European Refugee Crisis - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Starting off on the right foot ? Integrative schooling and the educational success of immigrant children - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Urbanization and Crime: Evidence from South Africa - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Conférence Internationale sur l'Economie du Développement - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Conférence - Internationale
- The Effect of Foreign Media on International Migration: the Case of Italian TV in Albania - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- What does evidence do? Development, policy impact, and the uncertain power of evidence - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Building the City Under Financial Frictions - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Circular Economy in Europe: Trends and Implementation - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Régionale
- Location Choice, Marriage and Immigrant-Native Wage Gap - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The effect of urban migration on educational attainment: evidence from Africa - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Labor Market Effects of an Unexpected Amnesty for Undocumented Workers - 2022 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Analyse Relationnelle Mathématique et ses applications en décision multicritère et en classification automatique - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Information and Normative Economics on Attitudes Towards the Top one Percent - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Governance for Circular Business models and Circular Products - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Européenne
- Culture, Institutions, and the Roots of Gender Inequality: 450 Years of Portuguese Colonialism in India - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Technological Change and Immigration - A Race for Talent or of Displaced Workers - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Women's Position in Ancestral Societies and Female HIV:The Long-Term Effect of Matrilineality in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Cash transfers, climatic shocks and resilience in the Sahel - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Climatic shocks, air quality, and health at birth in Bogotá - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Can a minimum tax rate be Pareto improving? - 2022 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Unpacking the Political Impact of Low-skilled Immigration - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Negative Impacts of Colonization on the Local Population: Evidence from Morocco - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Migrants? crisis in the local news: evidence from the French-Italian border - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Labor Market Integration, Local Conditions and Inequalities Evidence from Refugees in Switzerland - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migrants, networks and regional trade: Evidence from European regions - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy (STIP) in Ethiopia - 2022 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Mobile Internet Access and the Desire to Emigrate - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Circular economy in the global value chains. Do European Union policies boost its implementation? - 2022 - Zoom - Séminaire - Européenne
- How residence permits affect the labor market attachment of foreign workers: Evidence from a migration lottery in Liechtenstein - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Tradition Matters: Experimental Evidence from a Cash Grant, Training, and Gender Dialogue Program - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Circular Economy, an Important Way for Sustainable Development - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Political Consequences of Mass Repatriation - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Has internet helped firms cope with COVID? International evidence from the COVID-19 Impact Follow-up Surveys - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The economic effects of the English Parliamentary enclosures - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Border Apprehensions, the Latino Threat and Federal Sentencing of Hispanic Citizens in the United States - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Impact of Return Migration on the School?Work Tradeoff and Labor Outcomes of Adolescents - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Media Coverage of Immigration, and the Polarization of Attitudes - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Academics at Risk: Professional Networks and High-Skilled Emigration from Nazi Germany - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Media Coverage of Immigration and the Polarization of Attitudes - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Immigration and Occupational Downgrading in Colombia - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Nepotism vs. Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital in Academia (1088?1800) - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Les effets du Green Deal sur les pays non européens, et notamment la Turquie. - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Celestial Enlightenment: Eclipses, curiosity and economic development among pre-modern ethnic groups - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Immigration, Labor Markets and Discrimination: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus in Perú - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Industrial and Urban Symbiosis - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- When distance drives destination, towns can stimulate development - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Aie ! j'ai des données manquantes... Ouf ! des solutions existent... - 2021 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Temporary visas against smuggling - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- EU Enlargement and (Temporary) Migration: Effects on Labour Market Outcomes in Germany - 2021 - Online - Séminaire - Internationale
- Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Aid and Internal Migration in Malawi - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Labor Market Nationalization Policies and Exporting Firm Outcomes: Evidence from Saudi Arabia - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Do Enfranchised Immigrants Affect Political Behaviour? - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Mobility and Circular Economy - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Climate Variability and worldwide migration. Current evidence and future projections - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigrant Supply of Marketable Child Care and Native Fertility in Italy - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigrant franchise and immigration policy: Evidence from the Progressive Era - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- How has COVID-19 affected the intention to migrate via the backway to Europe and to a neighboring African country? Survey evidence and a salience expe - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Usual Suspects. Offenders' Orign, Media Reporting and Natives' Attitudes Towards Immigration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Global food prices, local weather and migration in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Towards a Truly Sustainable Region ? The Wellbeing of the Future Generations Act in Wales - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Seeds of Ideology: Historical Immigration and Political Preferences in the United States - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- European Integration and the Trade-off between Offshoring and Immigration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Marginal Returns to Citizenship and Children?s School Performance: Who benefits and what works? - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Perception de la Covid et comportement des ménages au Burkina Faso et en Argentine. Une analyse sur données d?enquêtePerception de la Covid et comport - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- Leaping into the unknown? The role of job search in migration decisions - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Forced Displacement, Human Capital and Occupational Choice - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Cousins From Overseas: The Labour Market Impact of Half a Million Portuguese Repatriates - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Refugee Crisis and Right-Wing Populism: Evidence from the Italian Dispersal Policy - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Material flows and climate change: time for a redesign of the statistical system? - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Mobility Under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Asymmetric Effects Across Gender and Age - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Mapping drought hazard in West Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- When a Stranger Shall Sojourn with Thee?: The Impact of the Venezuelan Exodus on Colombian Labor Markets - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Economic Geography of Global Warming - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Assessing the Role of Asylum Policies in Refugees? Labor Market Integration: The Case of Protection Statuses in the German Asylum System - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Firms Left Behind: Emigration and Firm Productivity - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Environmental News Sentiment and Air Pollution in China - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- Man Overboard! Industrial Fishing as Driver of Out-Migration in Africa - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration with Costly Information - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Rethinking Sustainability in the circular economy: challenging socioeconomic models in the Industry 4.0 - 2021 - Zoom - Séminaire - Internationale
- Purchasing-Power-Parity and the Saving Behavior of Temporary Migrants - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Method for Model selection for Multifractal processes and some applications - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Political Economy of Open Borders: Theory and Evidence on the role of Electoral Rules - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Long term migration trends and climate change: The role of irrigation - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- International Migration Unions - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- New York, Abu Dhabi, London or Stay Home? Identifying Complex Substitution Patterns in Migration with a Cross-Nested Logit Model - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Marriage, Migration Policy, and Migration: Evidence from the Hukou Reform in China - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Fertility Implications of Family-Based Regularizations - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Cushioning Effect of Immigrant Mobility: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Enemies of the people - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Integrated Systems Modeling for Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Cities - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- Geographic sorting and aversion to breaking rules - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Macroeconomic consequences of international migration - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- Cash Transfers and Migration: Theory and Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- An Adaptive Targeted Field Experiment: Job Search Assistance for Refugees in Jordan - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Can immigration affect neighborhood effects? Accounting for the indirect effects of immigrants on native test scores - 2021 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigration and redistribution - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Inter-Ministerial Tax Competition: The case of Resource-Rich Developing Countries - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- A database of the economic impacts of historical volcanic eruptions - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Role of Firms in the Assimilation of Immigrants - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigration, Working Conditions, and Compensating Differentials - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigrant Integration in the United States: The Role of Adult English Language Training - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Temporary Migration and Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Changing living arrangements and the effects of migration on the individuals left behind in Mexico - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration with Costly Information - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Growing up in a Recession Increases Compassion? The Case of Attitudes towards Immigration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Hosting Refugee and Voting for the Far-Right: Evidence from France - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: The Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Cultural Assimilation of Individualism and Preferences for Redistribution - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Is naturalization a passport for better labor market integration? Evidence from a quasi-experimental setting - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration from Developing Countries: Selection, Income Elasticity, and Simpson's Paradox - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Impact of Immigration on Workers Protection - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration and cultural change - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Do Skilled Migrants Compete with Native Workers? Analysis of a Selective Immigration Policy - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Understanding the Success of the Know Nothing Party - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- The Role of Immigration in a Deep Recession - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Is migration drought-induced in Mali? An empirical analysis using panel data on Malian localities over the 1987-2009 period - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration and Fertility Change: Evidence from a Resettlement Program in Indonesia - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Those Who Stayed: Selection and Cultural Change in the Age of Mass Migration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Give me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of a Large-Scale Amnesty Program for Undocumented Refugee - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migration, Housing Constraints, and Inequality: A Quantitative Analysis of China - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- International student migration and local housing markets - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Labor Mobility and Geography of Pandemics - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Peer Effects, Parental Migration and Children?s Human Capital: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis in China - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigration, Science, and Invention. Evidence from the Quota Acts - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrant - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Media Persuasion through Slanted Language: Evidence from the Coverage of Immigration - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Information and the Acquisition of Social Network Connections: A Randomized Experiment among New U.S. Immigrants - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Migrant self-selection in the presence of random shocks. Evidence from the Panic of 1907 - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Is Immigration Enforcement Shaping Immigrant Marriage Patterns? - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Integrating Refugees: Language Training or Work-First Incentives? - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Refugees and Foreign Direct Investment: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from U.S. Resettlements - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- A `Good Deal?? U.S. Military Aid and Refugee Flows to the United States - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Returns to Low-Skilled International Migration: Evidence from the Bangladesh-Malaysia Migration Lottery Program - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Testing the Diffusion Hypothesis of Mass Migration, Italy 1876-1920 - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- Immigrating into a Recession - 2020 - Zoom webinars - Séminaire - Internationale
- La compétitivité en Afrique: Quelle est le r?le des ressources naturelles ? - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- The unintended consequences of the Malawi FarmInput Subsidy Programme: Women?s entrepreneurship and financial inclusion - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Institutions, Informalité et Conflits au Sahel - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - Séminaire - Internationale
- Does the Selective Erasure of Protected Areas Raise Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- The Causal Effect of Infrastructure Investments on Income Inequality: Evidence from US States - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale
- Workshop on the Policy Mix: ?It Takes Two to Tango. The Policy Mix a Decade After the Crisis? - 2020 - Clermont-Ferrand - Journées d 'Etudes - Internationale
- Préférence des agriculteurs pour un contrat à paiement dégressif : un choice experiment - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Régionale
- Civil conflict and firm recovery: Evidence from post-electoral crisis in C?te d?Ivoire - 2020 - Clermont Ferrand - Séminaire - Nationale