Earthquake-related tsunami archives based on sediments from coastal lagoons in the Lesser Antilles
Stefano Fabbri , Pierre Sabatier , Raphael Paris , Maude Biguenet , Simon Falvard , Nathalie Feuillet , Guillaume Saint-Onge , Eric Chaumillon
  • AUGUSTONEMETUM, Atlas topographique de Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-D?me, France)
    Hélène Dartevelle , Alfonso Guy , Arnaud Philippe , Ballut Christèle , Bastard Véronique , Baucheron Fran?ois , Besombes Paul-André , Blondel Fran?ois , Boivin Pierre , Cabanis Manon , Cabezuelo Ulysse , Chevalier Pascale , Chuniaud Kristel , Clémen?on Bernard , Couturié Jean-Pierre , Dacko Marion , Dartevelle Hélène , Delhoofs Hervé , Dieulafait Francis , Driard Cyril
  • Sources and fates of NO<sub>3</sub><sup>?</sup> and PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3?</sup> in an alluvial plain wetland - Insights from the Auzon oxbow and the alluvial aquifer of the Allier (Auvergne, France)
    Cyril Aumar , Hélène Celle , Mélanie Quenet , Olivier Voldoire , Elisabeth Allain , Alexandre Garreau , Nicolas Caillon , Pierre Nevers , Jean-Luc Devidal , Gilles Mailhot , Aude Beauger
  • Phases of Magmatism and Tectonics Along the Madagascar‐Comoros Volcanic Chain, and Synchronous Changes in the Kinematics of the Lwandle and Somalia Plates
    Ana?s Rusquet , Vincent Famin , Laurent Michon , Xavier Quidelleur , Fran?ois Nauret , Martin Dani?ík , Gilles Ruffet , Carole Berthod , Sidonie Revillon , Patrick Bachèlery , Isabelle Thinon , Anne Lemoine , Sylvie Leroy , Sébastien Zaragosi , Simon Thivet , Julien Bernard , Loraine Gourbet , Etienne Médard , Alix Toulier
  • Growth of high density and crystalline GaN nanostructures on GaAs by droplet epitaxy
    G. Monier , Tsamo Guy , Nastovjak Alla G. , Shwartz Nataliya L. , Hoggan Philip , Emmanuel Gardés , Robert-Goumet Christine , Pimpinelli Alberto , Petit Matthieu , Ranguis Alain , Sall Mamour , Bideux Luc
  • Production scientifique depuis 2021

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    • Labex 2010 - Clervolc